Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School Supplies for Your Digital Pages

Happy Back to School.

Today was the first day of school for my high school kids.  It was a good day to be in school.  The rain came down in buckets all day and instead of sweating in a sleevless dress like yesterday, I wore a fleece pullover and fuzzy slippers around the house!

Fortunately - it didn't rain during FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL photo time at 6:50am - and that was about the ONLY 10 minutes it didn't rain.

My kids came home from school with very few requests for supplies.  But, they both needed composition books, and graph paper.  AND...they both needed a calculator.  My sophomore got a hand me down TI-84 but my senior informed me that he needed a TI-89... so THAT was a big purchase!  Besides, he's going into engineering and he'll probably need it in college so I guess buying it now is not a big deal.  If you aren't familiar with calculators, the TI89 is a whopping $130+ buckaroos!

I had a stash of composition notebooks from buying them on sale ($1 each at Staples this summer).  I've always been attracted to composition books - don't know why.  In our day, they only came in black.  These days, the sky is the limit.

So - in honor of high school supplies, I've created some Composition book and Graph Paper pages.

These pages were made using Creative Memories Storybook Creator PLUS 3.0.  Get a downloaded version 50% off thru mid-September HERE.  (software on sale for $33 US)

Here is how the big page looks.

If you'd prefer to make some fancier composition books, here's how:

Here's how the big pages look:

If composition books aren't your style, try some graph paper:

Here's how a graph paper page might look.

Here are some of the Creative Memories packages I used to create these digital pages:

Happy Digi Scrapping!

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